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Welcome to the Temari website - learn the art of Japanese thread balls! A thousand year old craft from Japan, Temari is traditionally given
as a gift. From humble beginnings as simple toy balls for children's play, Temari create a
magnetic effect on viewers today. As a spectacular decorating focal point, the puzzle of
the design is mesmerizing. The concept is elegantly simple, the end result is simply elegant! |
Temari has a long and symbolic history. Recycle your thread and yarn scraps... Embroider a mesmerizing design... And create meaningful gift. Caution: Stitching temari can be highly addictive! |
Все о темари и других японских рукоделиях - блог Виктории Орловой. Уроки темари. |
balls are an folk art form that originated in China and were introduced
to Japan five or six hundred years ago. The balls were originally made
by mothers and grandmothers for the children to play with (they were
used in kickball and handball games similar to the hackeysack games
played around the
world today). Historically they were constructed from the remnants of
old kimonos. Pieces of silk fabric would be wadded up to form a ball,
then the wad wrapped with strips of fabric. |
Темари - это необычное слово широко известно во всем мире любителям
рукоделия. Так называются традиционные японские вышитые шары, которые
когда-то служили детской игрушкой, а теперь стали формой прикладного
искусства, которое имеет множество поклонников не только в Японии, но и
во всем мире |